Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby Suicide

I know it sounds terrible, but one day when Tatum kept crawling close to the end of the bed and almost crashing to the ground I'd pick her up and tell her, "no baby suicide."  Well, I guess that clicked with Tegan and Tatum decided to go head first into bath tub and Tegan yelled to me...."Mommy, Tate did baby suicide."

Tegan's Favorite Jams

Mrs. Potato Head is a Slut

Tegan pointed to the slot where Mrs. Potato's feet go and told me that is her vulva. I could undersand her point of view so I simply nodded in agreement.  Then she said, "that is where her money goes."  It was then my daughter educated me on the fact Mrs. Potato is a slut.  New fact for mama.