Monday, February 28, 2011

Da Bulls

We have bought Tegan Cubs and Bears gear and it appears she is a basketball fan.  Specifically, a Bulls fan.  She goes crazy at the beginning of home games and when she saw a Bulls hat in our closet she began chanting, "Go Bulls, Go Bulls".  The girl likes her b-ball.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gator Vs Bunny

Tegan and her best friend, Toby-Dog, played a little game of chase.  To spice things up a bit, they played in character.  Each grabbed their favorite stuffed toy and took off.  Toby grabbed his gator and Tegan grabbed her bunny (oops correction...Tatum's bunny).  Now, let us see who wins. Ready...Set....Go!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where's My Daddy?

Travis went out of town for work and Tegan was wondering where her Daddy went. Sometimes she even says Travis.   She has become quite a little parrot and has begun to repeat many words, one of which is Travis.  Tegan also said her first sentence and knew what it meant.  She asked for milk and was told it was on the kitchen counter.  She ran to get it saying, "I got it".  Yeah for Tegan!  As for Tatum, she continues to be a laid back babe, sleeping, eating and tooting a lot.  Her new nickname this week is Tootie as she is not smelling like Cupcakes anymore.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Burps and Giggles

Tegan had loads of fun showing her Nanna how her baby doll,  Lia, drinks her bottle and burps.  Nanna jumped back in response to the big burp and Tegan just laughed up a storm!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fairy Princess

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Mom's Wanna Be Geddes shots

I just love Anne Geddes pics...who doesn't, but who could really afford them. I decided to do a homemade Geddes Photo Shoot aka "Mama's Ghetto Geddes Pics". I am sure we will all laugh at this some day....Travis is laughing a bit sooner though.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011


This is not like any baby doll Tegan has held before.  This one wiggles and makes different noises.  It also has tiny little fingers that Tegan loves to hold and count.


We were all suited up and ready to leave the hospital to go home when Tatum started getting a bit sassy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy 1 Week, Tatum!

It was one week ago today that little Tatum was born.  Travis and I have wondered who does this little peanut look like?  We are still not that sure.....any thoughts?

Daddy's Girl

So, there have been a few changes with Tegan since we brought Tatum home.  1) Tegan is now an official Daddy's Girl.  We put up her play tent the other day and she cannot stop taking her Daddy by the hand and pulling him into her new dwelling.  2) The high pitch scream has developed for anything she doesn't want to do.  This now involves taking baths which was something she once loved doing.  3) "But Why?"  This is a new saying she is asking me every time I have to wrestle her to the ground to change a dirty diaper.  You would think I am torturing her with the way she fights, screams and constantly asks me..."but why?"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Baby it's cold.....

Tegan said the word "cold" for the first time today and I got the video to prove it.  Not only did she say the word, but she understands what it means.  Unfortunately, she learned the word "hot" during the summer of 2010 when she pulled the cord to my curling iron and got a burn.  Hard lesson to learn, but she understands the word "hot" and when she sees steam or fire she is constantly warning us and staying away.  She still has a light scar on her hand and will often refer to her boo-boo hand for a kiss.  However, many times she gives us the wrong little drama queen.

Super Bowl Dance Party

Tegan loved the Super Bowl Half Time show featuring Black Eyed Peas.  After she completed her solo dance act she asked me to join in.  I was holding Tatum as I swayed and took some spins and this inspired Tegan to then go get her baby doll and mimic her mommy....I wish I got it on video, but you will just have to trust me.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tatum Elle

The Meeting

So this is it....the introduction of little Tatum to her Big Sister Tegan.  Due to the blizzard we decided it was best not to have Tegan come to the hospital so it was not until Thursday, Feb 3rd 2011 that Tegan and Tatum got to meet.  Tegan was more than excited and I am starting to wonder if she thinks the baby was brought home to be her new baby doll as she is constantly wanting to hold her, rock her, count her fingers and play with her feet.  Just check it out....

The Meeting: A Gift for Sister from Sister

The Meeting: Tegan holds Tatum for First Time

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tatum Elle Thompson

Today we welcomed Tatum into the world at 2:33pm.  Tara only had to push for 10 minutes and Tatum was here!  Tara and Tatum are both sleeping comfortably while I update the blog before getting some's been a long 21 hour day!!! 

Tatum weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.  We're very excited that our new additional arrived healthy and safe!

Waiting for Tatum

So we arrived at Northwestern Hospital downtown around 1am this morning in the blowing snow and got checked in to our labor / delivery room.  Tara is resting comfortably with her epidural in while I'm keeping busy playing Angry Birds on my iPad. 

Tegan is at home with Grandma and Grandpa Thompson having fun, waiting to eat Grandpa's famous Chicken Noodles again (she loves them!), and waiting for her baby sister Tatum to arrive,  The only question that remains is what will arrive Tatum or the forecasted blizzard of 2011.  I'll try to check in here again later today with a photo of our new arrival!