Monday, August 29, 2011

Little Engine

Another Summer Crush

Tegan has good taste in boys.  She has had a couple of crushed this she is with Malcom.  She always asks for Johnny, Jakey, Nicholas and Conner.  We are in for some trouble.

Fire Engine

Went to Fire House on Foster today for a playdate.  Tegan had lots of fun banging on the cots upstairs, but she would not shake the hand of the fireman when he was all suited up and she did not like the loud fire bell that rang.   

Baby with moves

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pinata....On My!

The kids smacked down a pinata at the GRO block party.  Take a look at the newspaper that made up one of the donkey's leg.....all you can see right now is some ass, but there were boobs too.  The little boys tore that piece off already.  I guess we know what holds the pinata together.....yuck!

Young Love with Johnny

Biker Chic

GRO 2011 Blockparty.....

Tegan's first time in a Fire Truck!

I can pedal!!!!

Yesterday Tegan was packing up her bobees and now she is hitting pavement.  She just learned to pedal and rode to Welles Park and back today.  Tegan loves her bike and is already a safety girl....wore helmet to the park Sunday and didn't even have a bike to ride yet. 

Fairy is Coming

Tegan said she was ready for the Bobees Fairy to come and take her bobees away.  She put them all in a bag and we called the Fairy to let her know that Tegan was a big girl now.  Tegan heard something in he outdoor hallway and thought it was the Fairy.  She said she was scared, but we assured her that everything was alright.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Tate's favorite game is peek-a-boo.  Here she is playing a bit.


Is it just me or does Tegan resemble ET when he is dressed up in draag?

Mustard Pie

As I was getting ready Friday morning to head out with the girls, I placed Tate in her bouncy and Tegan went into her room to play.  The girls were being so good.  I took some quick glances at them and when I looked at Tate I noticed something yellow coming out of her mouth and she was making a face of disgust.  As I came closer to Tate I noticed Tegan was using her play kitchen gadgets and feeding her mustard.  Mustard?  Where did Tegan get Mustard?  I went into Tegan's room to find a kitchen smeared with mustard and the mustard tub stashed in her fridge.  Apparently, Tegan is a pro at opening our fridge without notice.