Saturday, September 24, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba Live 2011

Tegan and I had a date today and I took her to her first live show.  She liked it so much that she cried when they sang the good bye song....sooooo cute!

Hurry Mommy

Tegan couldn't wait to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

splash splash

Tate is on the move.....

At 7.5 months, Tate is really on the move now.  She loves pulling herself up to stand, but her balance has not kicked it yet.

Lamb's Farm Sept 2011

Again Again

Tegan could not get enough of the horsey ride today.  She rode it 4 times thanks to Grandpa Danny.  We went to Lamb's farm and had a great time.  Tegan brushed some sheep and goats, chased some ducks and talked to a bird who said, "Hello".  Nanna and Momma also had some fun at the local thrift store where we scored on some great Halloween costumes.