Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sisterly Love

What can I say?  Tegan loves her baby sister.

Popcorn Fun

The girls loved watching the corn kernels pop as we tried out our popcorn maker for the first time.  Tegan and Tate chowed down while we snuggled up for a viewing of Puss n Boots.

Future Derby Chic

Looks like Tegan wants to be a future Derby Chic.....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Twirling T's

We tend to have a dance party every night....I really try to play toddler tunes, but the girls are not into it.  Put on some Pandora through our blue ray and the party is on.  Tatum is mastering the spin and Tegan just has all the right moves.....

Frosty Time

We finally got to build a Frosty....Tegan has been obsessed with Frosty the Snowman this year and since it has been such a mild winter we have not been able to make a snow person.  Well, today was the day.  After we built Frosty,Tegan did not want to leave him.  She wished him a good night and I hope he doesn't melt by the morning....

Baby Needs Band-Aid

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Friend

Tegan's favorite thing to do is to at Trader Joe's and use the baby shopping carts.  So I try to make it a point to get there on a Monday or Friday since they pull the little shopping carts on the weekends.  The past few times we have been there, Tegan has wanted to get a plant, but I have said "no".  I don't need to buy something I will end up killing in a few weeks.  Today she went and picked up this cute little potted flower and the look in her eye lead me to agree to its purchase.  I explained to Tegan that this little flower is her responsibility and she needs to give it water and sunshine so it can grow and be happy.  Maybe she will be the green thumb in our family.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Tegan got to spend this special day of love with her boyfriend Johnny....too cute.  For their date, they went to Navy Pier Children's Museum and then lunch at Harry Carrey's where they shared ice cream.

Someone is in Trouble

Not sure what Tegs is saying, but it has something to do with crap, munchkin, Meremith and Nana!